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Soul Practice Oracle Cards

Soul Practice Oracle Cards are designed with the intent to provide you with a practice or action that will support you to come into alignment with your body, mind and soul. The practices will connect you to yourself, to others and to the earth. When we are in alignment and connected we experience prosperity, love, joy and happiness… Life is magical!


The 44 practices embody the elements Earth, Air, Fire and Water. Each element has a specific energetic property that aligns to the practice in that suit. The sacred geometry and image correlates to each element and emits an energetic frequency that balances and harmonises your connection with the element and the earth.


This Deck Can Help You:

  • Create a daily practice
  • See opportunity in the situation
  • Take positive action
  • Expand your intuition
  • Increase your connection to nature, yourself and others
  • Feel a sense of peace
  • Bring your dreams into reality
  • Know your inner gifts and qualities
  • Find healing during emotionally challenging times
  • Exude infinite gratitude and maximise your potential
  • Give you variety in your daily practices


Proudly Designed and Printed in Australia

Soul Practice Oracle Cards

  • Who would Love this Deck:

    • People who want to feel Joy, Love and Happiness
    • Art Lovers
    • Nature Lovers
    • People seeking healing
    • Meditation, Yoga & Spiritual Teachers and Healers
    • People seeking greater connection to themselves, each other and the land
    • You don’t need to have experience with spiritual practices or oracle cards to receive benefits from the deck


    How Anyone Can Use These Cards:

    • Close your eyes, take three deep cleansing breaths, in through your nose and out through your mouth. Be still
    • Ask a question such as “What practice will bring me into alignment right now.” or “What practice will support me to be present and see opportunities.”  or “What practice will support me to heal my heart.”
    • Shuffle the cards until you feel called to stop.
    • Draw a card from anywhere in the deck.
    • Observe the image and read the message on the card.
    • Look up the practice in the booklet and go ahead and do the practice



    The graphics in this Soul Practice Oracle Deck have been carefully and lovingly designed to enhance your experience and journey with the practices. Visual style can impact significantly on the way you feel, and symbols have the power to seep deep into your subconscious, whether you are aware of it or not.


    Sacred geometry is part of an ancient science that explores the energetic patterns, balance and harmony of the natural world, and has been revered by many cultures and great minds throughout the ages.


    Plato, in 350 B.C.E, understood there to be 5 perfect 3 dimensional forms – 4 of which are contained in these cards for the elements of Earth, Air, Fire and Water. Infused into this deck, the geometry serves to deepen your connection, and subtly match your frequency to the element on the card you have drawn.


    The cards also feature original photographs, each capturing moments of magic from Bronwyn’s daily life. Coupled with the power of the geometry, the images encourage further connection with the specific elements, and help you to feel calm and inspired to undertake the practices.

    May the design assist you on your quest for alignment with your truest self,

    Mish Stark – Graphic Designer (


    The Deck Specs

    • 44 Soul Practice Oracle Cards and Soul Practice Journal on double-sided full colour design printed sustainably on recycled rounded edge card with eco friendly ink.
  • Australia Wide - $10 AUD shipped in 6 business days

    World Wide - $25 AUD shipped in 11 business days

Copyright 2017 Designed with Love by
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