Sometimes I'm not OK
Sometimes I'm not OK Things that I usually have a higher tolerance for trigger me sending me into a whirlpool of dispair of which more...

The changing tide of relationships
Akin to the rising and falling tide or a seed sprouting into a magnificent tree only to fall to the earth and become soil, relationships...

People are moving away from conventional religions and into their own spiritual practices.
People are moving away from conventional religions and into their own spiritual practices. More and more people are deciding that there...

Express your love
Soul Practice Oracle card reading- 22nd October 2020 Element- Water Express your love "We assume that the ones we love the most know...

A Letter To A Soulful Business Owner
A letter to a soulful business owner 🌠🦄 You know you are here to make a positive difference in the world, and your heart yearns for...

Soul Practice Reading - Find Solitude in Nature
Connect with nature and allow your soul to speak

Becoming connected in a disconnected world with food
A basic function for humans to exist as a healthy functioning being is the consumption of food. This same function and our disconnect...

The Enlightened Soul
The world we live in is disconnected. Whilst we are connected to our phones, social media and the likes we are seriously disconnected...

Everything Changes, 3 Practices to Open you to Change
We can learn so much from nature. Be open to hear the message. This morning I sat a beach I visit most days. Every time my eyes take in...

Finish 2017 off with a little Magic!!
Wowsers.... we are half way through the year! Yikes! Now is the perfect time to set your intentions to the remainder of the year. Ok I am...